Discover the opportunities you’ll actually want to hear about.
We understand the issues Infosec professionals face in the job market, so we’re uniquely able to connect you with the right positions — and weed out the wrong ones.
We want to get to know you, not just your resume.
A career change can be a massive disruption, so the right move is critical. Whether you’re just staying up-to-date on what opportunities are out there or you’re actively searching for new position, we want to know you beyond your skillset: What are your priorities? What kind of culture fits you best? Where do you see your career trajectory headed? Our role is to provide a fit that leads to a long and beneficial employee-company relationship, so we won’t press for an opportunity that isn’t right for you. At Talon, the most important metric we have is the happiness of our clients and candidates.
You’re too busy to field recruiter emails and calls. Let us.
An invitation to interview for a $90K developer search when you are an accomplished $160K Security Architect is unprofessional and annoying. Or how many times do you see a ridiculous job description from a company trying to hire a catch-all InfoSec professional to save money? At Talon, we won’t waste your time. We know the industry, the positions and the pay scales. When we know you, we are always free for a chat about anything industry related. But you will hear from us only when we have an opportunity that fits your skillset and desires, or to inquire about a referral for which we offer a 10% finder’s fee. Not bad for a quick email or phone call.
Helping candidates find the right fit is at the core of what we do.
With Talon, you won’t have to guess. You will walk into any interview having been prepped 100%. We will provide you with the research tools on the prospect company, the profiles of the interviewer or interviewers, knowledge of the structure of the interview, and hot button questions and points of emphasis. We will walk with you through every step of the interview process, through negotiation of salary and benefits to acceptance. We will never pressure a candidate to accept a position. Our goal is to serve in a way that builds lasting relationship.